PIRCHE application major versions 3 and 4 lead to equivalent T cell epitope mismatch scores in solid organ and stem cell transplantation modules

By: Benedict M. Matern, Matthias Niemann

Published: Human Immunology 2024

Patients: 10,000 (virtual)


  •  PIRCHE scores are important in organ and stem cell transplantation due to their correlation with increased risks of donor-specific HLA antibodies and graft-versus-host disease, respectively.
  • The PIRCHE application server has been updated to version 4.2, prompting the need to compare predicted scores with the previous version (3.3) to ensure consistency.
  • A study compared PIRCHE version 4.2 with version 3.3 using a virtual cohort of 10,000 transplant pairs.
  • In both stem cell and solid organ transplantation modules, the vast majority of cases showed identical PIRCHE scores between versions, with only 3% of cases showing deviations attributed to algorithm refinements. These differences were deemed clinically insignificant.